Sunday, 30 July 2017

Friday, 14 July 2017

Friday, 26 May 2017

Romantic Novelists' Association Blog: Madalyn Morgan: Foxden Hotel

Romantic Novelists' Association Blog: Madalyn Morgan: Foxden Hotel: Welcome to Madalyn Morgan who visits the RNA blog as her novel, Foxden Hotel is published. Thank you for inviting me to talk about my l...

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Foxden Hotel Book 5 in The Dudley Sisters Saga

Foxden Hotel.

Book 5 in the Dudley Sisters Saga

The war is over. It is time for new beginnings.

Celebrating the opening of Foxden Hotel, New Year’s Eve 1948, an enemy from the war years turns up. He threatens to expose a secret that will ruin Bess’s happiness and the new life she has worked so hard to create. Bess’s husband throws the man out. So is that the last they see of him? Or will he show up again when they least expect?

Bess had hoped fascism was a thing of the past, buried with the victims of WW2. Little does she know the trouble that lies ahead, not only for herself, but also for her family. 

                                     Video to accompany book link for promotion.



Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Super time talking to a reading group about Foxden Acres

A super evening chatting to a reading group of lovely and very interesting people who had read my novel, Foxden Acres, in January 2017.  Thank you for welcoming me into you beautiful home, for reading my novels and for the food and wine.

I had a great evening.

                                                          Back left: Wala, Me, Lesley,
                                                          Bottom left: Laura, Tony, Gill

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Wishing everyone a happy New Year and a successful 2017

Posters that I created to advertise my novels
on Twitter New Year 217