Friday, 22 March 2013

Thank you to everyone who has downloaded Foxden Acres, or bought the paperback


Thank you, to everyone who has downloaded my debut novel, Foxden Acres to their e-book.  Over the last four months there has been 500 electronic downloads (Kindle) and almost 100  books bought from Amazon and local bookshops. 

Also, I don't do my birthday (excuse me while I shudder), but this year was special because I had just published Foxden Acres.  So, in celebration, Foxden Acres was free to download from Saturday March 23, to Monday 25.  A big thank you to the 850+ people world-wide who downloaded my first novel over that weekend.  If you enjoyed it, and I hope you did, would you please click ‘like’ and leave a review.  If you didn't enjoy it, I'm sorry, but please don't leave a review.  Thank you.  x

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